3D mock-up of your giant balloon

Do you want to see how your company logo would shine on a giant helium ball?

et 3D mock-up af en kæmpe logo ballon hjælper dig med visualisere og viderekommunikere ballonens færdigproducerede udseende.

Free 3D mock-up
During summertime, our giant balloons with logo print are extremely popular. The balloons are in high demand for events such as “Folkemødet” and “DHL Stafetten”. The balloons are well suited for any outdoor event where you are looking for a way to draw attention to your pressence and location at the event, even from a distance.

But it is not always easy to imagine what your logo and colors will look like when it is presented on a large round balloon up in the air. This is why we always offer you a free 3D mock-up of your balloon before you place an order. A 3D mock-up also makes it easier for you to communicate the idea to your colleagues, and eases the process of production for us, as we already know from the beginning what your expectations are.

All you need to do is to send us your vectorized logo as well as CMYK and Pantone colors of the logo and balloon, should you want it in a specific color.

You can read more about our giant balloons on this page or send us an e-mail with your logo and your colors, and we will get back to you with your visualization.



3 Examples of 3D mock-ups with customized colors and logo.

3 eksempler på 3D mock-ups med kundens farver og logo.

14. May 2019