Floating blimp drew all the attention


As aircaptain here at Luftfabrikken, I had the explicit joy of delivering the first of our new kind of attentiondrawing eyecatchers – a three meter long radio controlled blimp for the handball team Nykøbing F. Håndbold.

NFH plays in the national womens handball league and their sponsors Scanlines Bordershop and Carlsberg wished to create an eyecatcher for their brand in an attentiondrawing and different way.

It quickly turned out that a radio controlled blimp from Luftfabrikken was a second to none solution for this purpose. The blimp was used before and after the match, in the break and at time-outs.

The blimp, which is made for indoor use, is filled with helium in a couple of minutes. It is battery powered and equipped with rudder and screw, which almost silently leads it through the air surrounded by a lot of looks. The blimp can also be used at events like concerts, conferences.

The possibilities are great and nomatter what, we here at Luftfabrikken can deliver a solution, which fits you, your brand and your event.

Watch the video from the event.

Contact us at[email protected] on on 51210211, if you think our blimps rule!

24. March 2014