How puppets can improve education

Puppets can be a helping hand in the classroom. We proved that in cooperation with Greenlandic Ilinniusiorfik, when they approached us about improving their way of teaching.

Teddies and puppets are truly special.

It’s when communicating with others, you learn about languages. That’s why puppets are ideal for practicing words, learning dialogues, small acts, story telling and other activities.


Ilinniusiorfik, an Greenlandic, a publisher of education material for the public schools in Greenland, we made these puppets. They are fictitious characters named Ane, Bibo, Sara and Siki. Their job is to help the Greenlandic schools in teaching languages such as Greenlandic and their second language – Danish. 

We were approached by Ilinniusiorfik, who intended to spice up their language education with figures and puppets, which the teachers could use in the class room.

“Games, conversation and acting catches the attention of the children. They interact and learn in an entertaining and very active way,” says Berit Mortensen from Ilinniusiorfik.

Produktionstegninger og de færdige hånddukker.

Du kender det selv fra situationer som (ofte kedelige) foredrag til eksempel. I det øjeblik at foredragsholderen hiver et “gimmick” op ad lommen så ændres fokus fra publikum, og sanserne stiller skarpt.

Selvom vi hvert år gennemfører mange bamseproduktioner så skiller denne case sig ud, idet hånddukkerne ikke så meget er tænkt som en reklameeffekt, men et stykke værktøj som skal fremme læring for børn, men også gøre det sjovt for den voksne underviser.

Skulle din interesse i at bruge bamser og hånddukker i forbindelse med undervisning være blevet vakt – så kontakt os på mail eller giv os et kald på +45 4062 2927.

30. November 2016