Luxury plush toys for Luksusbaby

Luksusbaby in Aalborg puts their Luxury teddybear out on the street in their offline marketing campaign. Face-to-face marketing is not forgotten even though Luksusbaby is one of the most successful online stores in Denmark.

The Luksusbaby mascot at wook on the streets of Aalborg.

Luksusbaby in Aalborg is a bit of a fairytale. In 2013 Ann-Louise and Morten started the company from their own home and today the company has more than 80 employees.

Ibsens Fabrikker has for a couple of years worked with Luksusbaby to create a mascot concept that simply keeps growing. Luxury plush toys with logo branding is the newest idea to be brought to life.

Thanks to a strong online and offline presence, Luksusbaby is a brand that their customers now love to be assosiated with.

Luksusbaby has a huge following on their social media platforms. Their Instagram account has a staggering 70.000 followers being inspired on a daily basis.

If you are the creative type, it is now also possible to download templates for pegboards with a motive of their signature teddy bear. Coloring stencils can also be downloaded for at-home fun with the kids. These things are provided for free to enhance brand recognition and stay close to their customers.

Den nye butik i Alborg summer af liv og hyggelig stemning og du vil altid møde et smil og en hjælpende hånd. På webshoppen sidder Luksusbaby klar på både chat, telefon og mail til at hjælpe og kommer du forbi lageret, vil du støde på deres ninjahurtige pakkepiger, der hver dag står og pakker din ordre flot og lækkert ind klar til afsendelse samme dag.

1. May 2020