Luftfabrikken started the school year

Luftskib Mors Thisted

Thy-Mors HF & VUC used a blimp with helium, when they started the school year. The students were welcomed with the sight of a blimp in the sky. One of the greatest blimps in the history of Luftfabrikken!


We’ve made blimps for all kinds of businesses and a school isn’t an exception. There’s always an excuse to draw attention to your self, and that excuse was that the school year startet at Thy-Mors HF & VUC. The blimp also helped the new students, who didn’t know, where the entrance to the school were.

Our blimps are used for many different purposes. When our blimp for McDonalds was sent off, it had the job of showing the way to the restaurent, which worked really well! That’s just one purpose. A helium blimp draws attention to your firm – or school.

Read more about blimps with helium for commercial use here!

17. August 2013