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The Inflatable Iceberg at Den Frie
Together with artist Jessie Kleemann, we have created a 6-meter-tall inflatable iceberg for the ILULIAQ 2024 exhibition at Den Frie.
The inflatable iceberg by Jessie Kleemann.
The Iceberg that “Breathes” The “Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Legat 2024” is a prestigious award given annually to artists to support their creative work and promote the development of art in Denmark. The exhibition showcases works from a range of talented artists and offers a deep insight into the contemporary art scene.
The iceberg is particularly fascinating as it “breathes” with an integrated fan that alternately turns on and off, creating a dynamic and lively experience. The artwork serves as a reminder of the serious consequences of the climate crisis.
Our expertise in designing and producing advanced inflatable structures has played a crucial role in realizing Jessie Kleemann’s vision.
3D visualization of the inflatable iceberg.
The completed exhibition of the inflatable iceberg.
The unique works at Den Frie The exhibition at Den Frie ran from June 9 to August 4, 2024, showcasing works by artists Gerda Thune Andersen, Nina Beier, Jessie Kleemann, Simon Starling, and Gudrun Steen-Andersen. Visitors experienced an impressive array of artworks, including an inflatable iceberg that slowly breathes, a landscape of waving take-away cups, bronze sculptures, a press cut in two parts, and a large aluminum relief.
The original image that was later "wrapped" around the installation. Photo: Rasmus Degnbol.
We chose a picture of Greenlandic icebergs to ensure that the inflatable iceberg captured the beauty and complexity of the iceberg. The image was used to shape the sculpture’s appearance by projecting and adapting it to the 3D structure.
This method ensured that the artwork accurately replicated the details of the image and reinforced the message about climate change, while simultaneously bringing Jessie Kleemann’s vision to life.